Berehat sebentar setalah membaca lebih 30 parasit dalam buku medical biology. Terasa pula nak mengomel tentang pertikaian pembelajaran perubatan di Ukraine dan Russia.
Pertamanya, satu persoalan yang wajib timbul, kenapa sekarang baru nak di timbulkan isu ini. Malaysia sentiasa begini, dah terhantuk baru nak mengadah. Penghantaran pelajar ke luar negara bukannya satu benda yang boleh dibuat main, terutama bila melibatkan isu perubatan, kerana graduannya bukan sahaja bakal menerima segulung ijazah kedoktoran M.D dengan membawa gelaran doktor tetapi juga dengan tanggungjawab besar berdepan dengan masalah penyakit manusia.
Idea tentang penghantaran pelajar ke Russia dalam bidang perubatan bermula apabila lawatan Dato' Mahathir ke Russia. Beliau merasakan bahawa ada satu peluang yang cerah untuk menghantar pelajar-pelajar Malaysia ke Russia dalam bidang perubatan. Sewajarnya, ketika idea ia telah dimaterialisasikan tidak patut wujud sebarang kontrovesi dan penyelidikan dan siasatan telah pun dilakukan secara terperinci.
Malangnya, bila timbul isu pengiktirafan tentang pelajar perubatan di Ukraine. Timbul satu pertanyaan, apa sebenarnya yang dilakukan oleh kita selama ini. Keputusan mengemukakan pastinya bukan satu keputusan yang boleh diambil mudah kerana di universiti tersebut masih wujud ramai penuntut perubatan yang masih dalam pengajian yang boleh kita katakan sebahagian mereka tidak pun meminta untuk ke sana melainkan atas tawaran dan tajaan agensi yang dipercayai.
Khabarnya, isu pengiktirafan timbul apabila sistem kemasukan pelajar ke Ukraine tidak telus semata-mata timbul salah sangka tentang sitem pemarkahan 9 yang dikira gagal di Malaysia di anggap sebagai markah paling tinggi di Ukraine. Jadi kalau itulah masalahnya, maka selesaikan apa yang sakit. Kami sebgai penuntut perubatan sendiri dari awal dididik supaya memberi penyelesaian tepat dengan masalah pesakit, dos berlebihan sebenarnya bukan memberikan kesan yang lebih baik malah ia mungkin lebih memburukkan.
Teringat pula tentang kisah perubatan di Jepun yang dipertikaikan kerana terlalu kejepunan. Mungkinkah perubatan di Russia akan dipertikaikan pula kerana terlalu bersifat komunis. Sabagai pelajar perubatan kami semua di ajar dengan etika, kalau melihat di Russia pada tahun kedua kami diajar dengan philosofi, dengan bioetika. Kami belajar tentang etika secar keseluruhannya. Tak ada pula terdengar tentang silibus yang mengajar tentang ideologi komunis yang sebetulnya telah lama ditinggalkan dankini Russia sedang bergerak maju ke arah demokrasi dengan kuasa membeli dan pengguna sebagi satu indikator yang paling jelas.
Malah, semua rakyat di sini masih mengamalkan apa jua ajaran yang dilakukan di Malaysia tanpa sebarang sekatan. Kami masih lagi ke masjid bersembahyang jumaat, bersembahyang jemaah bersama-sama. Malah paling jelas kami tidak pun minum arak walaupun arak dijual di tepi jalan bagaikan air sirap di Malaysia.
Kenapa pula nak dipertikaikan kualiti? Kalau universiti ini sendiri telah mendapat pengiktirafan dunia, dengan pensyarah yang sendirinya telah dicalonkan untuk hadiah nobel. Apa lagi yang menjadi tanda soal. Kalau teknologi dijadikan bandingan. Besar sangatkah perbezaan kedoktoran bukannya berdepan dengan makhluk yang diprogram tetapi dengan manusia yang perlukan lebih banyak manual daripada automatik.
Kalaupun ini masih dipertikaikan, susulan harus dilakukan. Penuntut perubatan tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Perubatan adalah satu kursus yang amat mengambil masa dan melibatkan penglibatan yang maksimum. Untuk menghabis satu tahun dalam kursus perubatan bukannya satu perkara yang mudah. Bukan sedikit yang perlu diketahui. Kalau ada yang mengatakan universiti sudah mula lapang dibandingkan dengan zaman persekolahan tetapi tidak untuk pelajar perubatan, malah mungkin lebih berlipat kali ganda. Tak hairan kalau ada pelajar perubatan yang mengalami tekanan, itu baru sebagai peajar belum bergelar doktor lagi. Kalau satu Russia ditarik pengiktirafan entah berapa ramai yang sakait mental agaknya.
prescription untuk masalah nih....
Recipe: Penyelidikan tentang Sistem Pendidikan quantum satis
Fikir Baik Buruk
Susulan yang efektif ana quatum satis
Misce fiat solutio
Signa: ambil 1 biji sebelum makan, 3 kali sehari
P/s tanya abg shuk (presiden Pelajar Malaysia Volgograd) pasal bende ni
dia jawab biarlah....biar menteri yang fikir kita sibuk2, buat ape, study jer untuk exam..hehe
Selasa, Jun 21, 2005
Perubatan di Russia. Kenapa Perlu Dipertikaikan?
Isnin, Jun 20, 2005
2 down 2 more to go
Firstly I would like to congrate Rezza for ur admitance to Russian Programme.Well, soon you experience something which I experience here...(hehe! LOL)
Anyway, now I'm can slowly catch up with my breath as 2 writing exam has just passed as I have 2 exam which are all orally basis exam. They are so much to remind me of debate.
Sometimes when I saw my friend, cry for getting 4 (full mark 5) and jump happily for getting 5, it make me into thinking:
"Is it that important to get the highest mark in our exam? besides will the patient ever ask us about our mark?"
Of all this I ask myself:
"Is the exam a way to train us to be a doctor or it just one more of the world's torturing device?"
even me myself, thinking about the exam do make me lost of my true intention, I'm too busy remembering fact that sometimes I don't even remember what I really want. Even worse I kept thinking:
"if I ever ever be the best student will I be a good doctor, a doctor which I pictured in my heart, in my dream during my childhood or the doctor will only sleep in my body and just in the matter of time disappeared killed by the new characteristic which I unintentionaly evoke".
Nevertheless, that is surely not the reason for taking the exam seriously for other than me I still have a lot of people to be assured and not to forget I can't even back to Malaysia if I don't pass through all my exam...
Still 2 more to go!!!!!Fadly!Sivo Haroshiva!
Anyway, now I'm can slowly catch up with my breath as 2 writing exam has just passed as I have 2 exam which are all orally basis exam. They are so much to remind me of debate.
Sometimes when I saw my friend, cry for getting 4 (full mark 5) and jump happily for getting 5, it make me into thinking:
"Is it that important to get the highest mark in our exam? besides will the patient ever ask us about our mark?"
Of all this I ask myself:
"Is the exam a way to train us to be a doctor or it just one more of the world's torturing device?"
even me myself, thinking about the exam do make me lost of my true intention, I'm too busy remembering fact that sometimes I don't even remember what I really want. Even worse I kept thinking:
"if I ever ever be the best student will I be a good doctor, a doctor which I pictured in my heart, in my dream during my childhood or the doctor will only sleep in my body and just in the matter of time disappeared killed by the new characteristic which I unintentionaly evoke".
Nevertheless, that is surely not the reason for taking the exam seriously for other than me I still have a lot of people to be assured and not to forget I can't even back to Malaysia if I don't pass through all my exam...
Still 2 more to go!!!!!Fadly!Sivo Haroshiva!
Jumaat, Jun 10, 2005
Tick tock! Wish Me luck!
Jeng2.....Tick tock,tick tock....
I am now counting the time remains till the day of my judgment's day. The emotion is really unbearable, facing the uncertainty really consumes a lot of energy.
There will be 6 more day to my first spring exam. 4 great battle are waiting for me, 2 which require me to use all my speech intelligent and 2 more that test my stamina in writing. Not to forget, one of them which can't afford me to do a single mistake, for anything wrong is assume as fatal as you already killed a person. And here they are: Latin language (Exam of perfectionist), Biorganic Chemistry (structure, vitamins...colloids??) Biology (parasites, worms, atropoda...Scabies hehe!) and Medical Physics (this is so medical!)
Ah! Forgot to tell, I just felt relieve from the exhausting phase of collecting zachiot, or rather simple if we translate it in english to 'credit'. Didn't I told you that in Russia there is a systems that demands us to collect all signature from all subject that we learnt for the whole semester including physical training! To get the signature normally we have to undergo a test, and the test will not been conducted until it is the last week of term. Just when you think you want study for your exam, you also have think about your zachoit test which if you fail to prevail, you will not get the signature and if that thing ever happen to you, you cannot sit for the final exam and to be more precise there is no way for you to say Balik Kampung!
See! How dramatic it is....
Anyway, what is a man if he ever tries to run from his own problem, now it is time to focus...Well I don't have a lot of things to say, just wish me luck and I bring a piece from Russia for you...hehe
I am now counting the time remains till the day of my judgment's day. The emotion is really unbearable, facing the uncertainty really consumes a lot of energy.
There will be 6 more day to my first spring exam. 4 great battle are waiting for me, 2 which require me to use all my speech intelligent and 2 more that test my stamina in writing. Not to forget, one of them which can't afford me to do a single mistake, for anything wrong is assume as fatal as you already killed a person. And here they are: Latin language (Exam of perfectionist), Biorganic Chemistry (structure, vitamins...colloids??) Biology (parasites, worms, atropoda...Scabies hehe!) and Medical Physics (this is so medical!)
Ah! Forgot to tell, I just felt relieve from the exhausting phase of collecting zachiot, or rather simple if we translate it in english to 'credit'. Didn't I told you that in Russia there is a systems that demands us to collect all signature from all subject that we learnt for the whole semester including physical training! To get the signature normally we have to undergo a test, and the test will not been conducted until it is the last week of term. Just when you think you want study for your exam, you also have think about your zachoit test which if you fail to prevail, you will not get the signature and if that thing ever happen to you, you cannot sit for the final exam and to be more precise there is no way for you to say Balik Kampung!
See! How dramatic it is....
Anyway, what is a man if he ever tries to run from his own problem, now it is time to focus...Well I don't have a lot of things to say, just wish me luck and I bring a piece from Russia for you...hehe
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