Dean list atau dalam bahasa melayunya Anugerah Dekan atau sinonimnya dalam bahasa russianya Atlichnik.Inilah anugerah yang dikejar-kejar dan diimpikan oleh kebanyakan mahasiswa-mahasiswa kini.
Ini ditambah pula dengan keadaan sedia ada pelajar-pelajar yang dibentuk daripada acuan sistem pendidikan Malaysia yang tanpa disedari telah pun menjurus kepada berorientasikan peperiksaan meskipun silibus dan kaedah pengajaran telah pun berkali-kali dirombak.
Mungkin cakapnya tak mahu, tapi dihati meronta-ronta meminta. Mereka semua nak sebenarnya... tapi yelah saja malu nak cakap.
Keadaannya umpama api yang dikecil disimbah pula dengan minyak petrol. Sudah pastilah keadaannya semakin marak.
Tapi siapa yang sangka dalam course medic akan diwujudkan anugeah ini.
Walaubagaimanapun inilah hakikat yang berlaku di seluruh universiti perubatan di Russia.
Lebih hebat dari itu dean list atau atlichnik disini diberi kepada mereka yang memperolehi markah 5(perfect mark) dalam kesemua ujian yang mereka hadapi dalam semester tersebut.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, atlichnik datang dgn tiga peringkat mengikut kekerapan mereka mendapat anugerah tersebut. Darjah pertama (pervi stepen) yang mana merupakan darjah tertinggi hanya akan diberikan kepada mereka yang mendapat tiga semester berturut-turut anugerah tersebut.
Hipokritlah kalau saya katakan yang saya tidak mengimpikan anugerah tersebut, tipulah kalau saya katakan yang tak merasa apa-apa melihat kawan-kawan lain beratur menaiki pentas,berjabat tangan dengan rektor, menerima hadiah(walaupun tak seberapa), dan akhirnya bergambar beramai-ramai. Sedangkan saya pada waktu itu hanya bertepuk tangan dan berkata pada diri sendiri atau mungkin pada orang lain "Penatnya tepuk tangan" atau mungkin "Alah..tak ada apa sangat benda tu"
Sebagai bekas didikan sistem pendidikan Malaysia yang merasakan betapa bangganya menaiki pentas, betapa pentingnya straight 'A's, betapa indahnya dan cantiknya markah sempurna itu. Betapa tingginya pujian jika punyai anugerah. Sudah pasti ada rasa untuk merasakan anugerah itu berada di tangan.
Saya pasti dan berani jamin setiap orang ada pahatan kukuh dalam jiwa tentang perkara ini. Lebih-lebih lagilah pelajar-pelajar yang menerima biasiswa yang pastinya handal-handal, mantap-mantap atau apa yang masyarakat katakan sebagai 'The cream of society'.
Bukan salah sesiapa sebenarnya, dan bukan senang juga perkara ini hendak dihilangkan. Bukannya mengambil masa seminggu atau sebulan perkara perkara ini boleh luput dari jiwa mereka.
Tapi bak kata saya winter examination kali ini bawa banyak makna pada saya. Bagaimana pentingnya atlichnik ini dan betapa sebaliknya atlichnik ini bawa makna yang kosong sebenarnya.
Cerita 1: Seorang mahasiswi perempuan India yang belum pernah mendapat selain 5 dalam peperiksaannya merayu pada dekan supaya memberikannya markah 5 setelah mendapati untuk exam pada kali itu dia tidak berjaya lebih daripada 4.Semata-mata untuk mempertahankan pangkat satunya
Cerita 2:Bagaimana tenangnya seorang pelajar lelaki Malaysia yang sememangnya orang lain jangkakan tidak akan mendapat selain daripada 5 dengan mendapat markah 4 dalam exam philosophy satu exam yang orang juga jangkakan tidak akan layak menerima selain daripada 5. Seterusnya memecahkan rekod pangkat satunya.
Analisis saya: saya cukup tak suka dgn cerita pertama, redha bagi saya amat penting. Berjaya atau tidak adalah dua perkara yg sama dan kita tk boleh harap yang kita hanya menerima satu drpdnya seumur hidup. Kalau pun kakak tu berjaya dapat lima tapi maruah itu sudah tidak ada,ketinggian ilmu itu sudah hilang. Apa lagi yang tinggal? Sijil yang boleh ke dibawa mati?
Untuk cerita 2 pula,Ikhlasnya, saya telah belajar sesuatu. Betapa membuktikan yang kalau pun tak mendapat 5, tak semestinya kita tidak pandai dan setelah melihat betapa tenangnya abang tadi menghadapinya, seolah-olah bertambah penghormatan dan harga dirinya. Kalaupun bagi orang lain tidak tapi bagi saya ya.
Jujur saya katakan, untuk saya menghilangkan rasa keinginan untuk mendapat atlichnik ini, mungkin jalannya bukan singkat dan mungkin jauh lagi. Tapi dalam perjalanan itu saya cuba kurangkan rasa sedih kalau tak mendapatnya dan tanamkan niat bahawa belajar ini adalah kerana ilmu bukannya kerana anugerah tersebut.
Doa saya agar ilmu ini diberkati Allah, dan berguna pada saya dan orang lain. Biarkan hati kecil masih degil tapi minda dan diri ini akan dicuba untuk tegas.
Sabtu, Januari 21, 2006
At Last..Freedom
I don't know how I'm going to describe this feeling, it is just so magnificient, fantastic with the endless joy.
Like one of my friend said...
"You feel relief as if before this you had to hold the world on your shoulder and now your shift is over and you can let it go..."
I really want to tell everyting about my exam. For me this year's winter examination really meant something. In spite the exams were histology and anatomy which are the very basic essential foundation knowledge for a future doctor but behind this gigantic exam lies the very truth that nobody else relies about it other than me.
I really don't know where to start but I think it is better to start during the night before the examination. That time only Allah knew how restless I became. The image is still vivid in my mind. I try to sleep but in vain. The only thing that cross through my head was all the fact like all the network of artery, veins or even nerves. 10 minutes later I could even hear every single sound in the room; the clock's ticking, the water ran in the heater and even the sound my roomate grinded his teeth during his sleep.
At last I gave up, I woked up and wandered in the corridor. Coincidencely, Helmi just went out from his room headed to the bathroom. He looked at me, smiled and said:
"If you can't sleep try to pray..."
I decided to follow his advice. Actually during that time I thought that I would take any advice as I need to sleep early, the clock has already shown 3 o'clock and of course I got an important examination on the other day.
I performed solah tahajud, taubat and hajat(no sense of riak here..astagfirullah). On the end of my prayer I ask for Allah to make it easy for me tommorow, to open the door of Rahmat upon me, One thing that made me really confident about this because I was really sure and believed that Only Allah has the power to control every human's heart.
On the both day of the examination, I did see the truth been prevailed to me as everything been simplified.
For instance;during the histology's examination, while other students still prepared their answers I already been called by the professor who happened to be my lecterur and also been asked question which I really familiar with. I could even answer a mathematical question about length of muscle after contraction even though I never admit that I am any good in math and in less than 20 minute after that I finished my examination and went out from the examination hall.
The same thing happened during anatomy's exam. I got question asking the general concept of anatomy which I think even a primary school can answer it.On my second question about rectum, I answered all the arteries, their anastomoses, the veins, the location, the realtionship of rectum with other organ without any mistake. Out of my belief the same thing happened to my third question, not to mention that I have a chart displaying the artery of hand which is whatthe third question was all about and what do you know it was just in front of me.
You can call it as luck, or maybe it is just my feeling or maybe that I have study enough but I prefer to believe in Allah. I really believe that everything had been simplified to me and of course nobody had the power to engage in all of this axcept Allah. I mean really who else can even give the idea to my examiner to ask me about question that I knew, or even to make the right answer cross my mind not to mention that there are not less than 8000 terminology in anatomy that we have to know.
While other people maybe been really happy to be included in the dean list. For me it is more than that. Like what I said earlier I learnt something from this winter examination.
My Last word is... Never lose your faith even you think everything is impossible...
Like one of my friend said...
"You feel relief as if before this you had to hold the world on your shoulder and now your shift is over and you can let it go..."
I really want to tell everyting about my exam. For me this year's winter examination really meant something. In spite the exams were histology and anatomy which are the very basic essential foundation knowledge for a future doctor but behind this gigantic exam lies the very truth that nobody else relies about it other than me.
I really don't know where to start but I think it is better to start during the night before the examination. That time only Allah knew how restless I became. The image is still vivid in my mind. I try to sleep but in vain. The only thing that cross through my head was all the fact like all the network of artery, veins or even nerves. 10 minutes later I could even hear every single sound in the room; the clock's ticking, the water ran in the heater and even the sound my roomate grinded his teeth during his sleep.
At last I gave up, I woked up and wandered in the corridor. Coincidencely, Helmi just went out from his room headed to the bathroom. He looked at me, smiled and said:
"If you can't sleep try to pray..."
I decided to follow his advice. Actually during that time I thought that I would take any advice as I need to sleep early, the clock has already shown 3 o'clock and of course I got an important examination on the other day.
I performed solah tahajud, taubat and hajat(no sense of riak here..astagfirullah). On the end of my prayer I ask for Allah to make it easy for me tommorow, to open the door of Rahmat upon me, One thing that made me really confident about this because I was really sure and believed that Only Allah has the power to control every human's heart.
On the both day of the examination, I did see the truth been prevailed to me as everything been simplified.
For instance;during the histology's examination, while other students still prepared their answers I already been called by the professor who happened to be my lecterur and also been asked question which I really familiar with. I could even answer a mathematical question about length of muscle after contraction even though I never admit that I am any good in math and in less than 20 minute after that I finished my examination and went out from the examination hall.
The same thing happened during anatomy's exam. I got question asking the general concept of anatomy which I think even a primary school can answer it.On my second question about rectum, I answered all the arteries, their anastomoses, the veins, the location, the realtionship of rectum with other organ without any mistake. Out of my belief the same thing happened to my third question, not to mention that I have a chart displaying the artery of hand which is whatthe third question was all about and what do you know it was just in front of me.
You can call it as luck, or maybe it is just my feeling or maybe that I have study enough but I prefer to believe in Allah. I really believe that everything had been simplified to me and of course nobody had the power to engage in all of this axcept Allah. I mean really who else can even give the idea to my examiner to ask me about question that I knew, or even to make the right answer cross my mind not to mention that there are not less than 8000 terminology in anatomy that we have to know.
While other people maybe been really happy to be included in the dean list. For me it is more than that. Like what I said earlier I learnt something from this winter examination.
My Last word is... Never lose your faith even you think everything is impossible...
Rabu, Januari 11, 2006
My Last Sprint
I quote from the famous book of Gray's anatomy:
each ovary presents a lateral and a medial surface, an upper or tubal and a lower or uterine extremity, and an anterior or mesovarion and a posterior free border. It lies in a shallow depression, named the ovarian fossa, on the lateral wall of the pelvis; this fossa is bounded above by the external iliac vessels, in front by the obliterated umbilical artery, and behind by the ureter.'
Last year, there was a question about FOSSA OVARIA during anatomy examination asked by the head of the department. This is really a haunted question to all of us, this question had just failed an excellent student and make the rest felt so terrified just to enter the examniation hall.
Nobody found the answer for this question. Today, I accidently search it on internet and found this....
What that suppose to mean?
Another 2 day before histology's exam and 4 day afterward for the anatomy's.
Ya Allah please make it easy for me.
each ovary presents a lateral and a medial surface, an upper or tubal and a lower or uterine extremity, and an anterior or mesovarion and a posterior free border. It lies in a shallow depression, named the ovarian fossa, on the lateral wall of the pelvis; this fossa is bounded above by the external iliac vessels, in front by the obliterated umbilical artery, and behind by the ureter.'
Last year, there was a question about FOSSA OVARIA during anatomy examination asked by the head of the department. This is really a haunted question to all of us, this question had just failed an excellent student and make the rest felt so terrified just to enter the examniation hall.
Nobody found the answer for this question. Today, I accidently search it on internet and found this....
What that suppose to mean?
Another 2 day before histology's exam and 4 day afterward for the anatomy's.
Ya Allah please make it easy for me.
Catatan (Atom)